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Giulia Barattini

Giulia Barattini

In 2021, Giulia Barattini graduated in law from the University of Milan – Bicocca, with a dissertation on criminal procedure entitled ‘Neuroscience as “phármakon”: antidote and poison for criminal proceedings’ (supervisor: Professor Oliviero...
Carlotta Scozia

Carlotta Scozia

In 2023, Carlotta Scozia graduated with honours in Law from the University of Milan – UniMi , with a dissertation on criminal law entitled “The statute of limitations and the speedy trial limits: between the trial within a reasonable time and the efficiency of...
Susanna Buosi

Susanna Buosi

In 1985, she obtained her diploma as “Perito Aziendale e Corrispondente in Lingue Estere” (Business Expert and Foreign Language Correspondent) at the Elsa Morante Technical Institute in Limbiate (MI). In 1985, she began her professional experience at “Studio Bonzano,...
Giulia Traghin

Giulia Traghin

In 2014 she graduated from the Department of Humanities at the University of Trieste with a degree in “Sciences of Social Service”, defending a thesis on international adoption entitled Il protocollo regionale del Friuli-Venezia Giulia e l’esperienza dei corsi...
Chambers & Partners 2022 – Ranking Europe

Chambers & Partners 2022 – Ranking Europe

Chambers & Partners 2022 – Ranking Europe – White Collar Crime Italy. Mr. Alessandro Pistochini is ranked this year as well. Mr. Pistochini is ranked this year as well among the best legal professionals in Chambers & Partners Europe. For the third year in a...