After graduating in law (2011) and specializing in legal professions (2013), he has been enrolled in the Milan Bar Association since 2014.
Admitted to the Milan Criminal Bar Association, he is a member of the “Criminal Justice Commission” of the Milan Bar Association and of the “Constitutional Court Commission” of the Italian Union of Criminal Lawyers (U.C.P.I.).
He is often invited to speak at conferences and seminars and teaches at Masters on criminal law and specialization courses organized by professional associations (including the Accountants Milan Association) and universities (including the University of Milan, Roma Tre University and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa).
He has held teaching positions for the ‘School for the Judiciary’ (Scuola Superiore della Magistratura) – for which he coordinated a working group about anticorruption and corporate liability – and gave speeches at various institutions, including the Italian Parliament (both Chamber of Deputies and Senate of the Republic) and the Ministry of Made in Italy.
After a collaboration with Pulitanò Zanchetti Law Firm (2014-2017) and Crippa Pistochini Law Firm (2017-2020), since June 2020 he has been working with Pistochini Avvocati Studio Legale, where he is a Partner since 2021.
In 2013, he founded the legal journal ‘Giurisprudenza Penale’, of which he is currently the Director.
He writes and edits books with the main Italian legal publishers and he is author of several academic publications on criminal law and corporate criminal liability, including the Commentary to Decree no. 231/2001 (about corporate criminal liability) now in its second edition (2021 and 2024).
He works and handles correspondence in Italian and English.