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In 2016, Davide Giorgiadi graduated with honours in Law from the “Luigi Bocconi” University of Milan, with a dissertation on criminal law entitled “Prevention of corruption in publicly owned corporations. Compliance models pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 and Law 190/2012” (Supervisor Prof. F. Mucciarelli).
He has an excellent command of the English language, having studied at the Singapore Management University and the Freie Universitat of Berlin.
From July 2015 to November 2015, he completed an internship at the Criminal Court Registry, providing support to the court clerks and the magistrates specialising in criminal law.
From June 2020, he began to collaborate with Pistochini Avvocati Studio Legale, after having collaborated with Studio Legale Crippa Pistochini since november 2016.
From January 2021 he is Partner of the Law Firm.
In 2017, he attended a Master’s course in Criminal Business Law at Milan’s Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, for which he received a Merit Award from AODV (Association of Supervisory Bodies pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001).
In 2021, he attended the Post-graduate Course in “Preventing and punishment of White-Collar Crimes” at the Sant ’Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa.
In 2022, he attended the Post-graduate Course in “Computer forensics and digital investigations” at the University of Milan.